Character vs nature: the character is facing a natural element.
EX: a character battling a storm a character trying to cross a beast.
Character vs Character: a conflict revolving around two characteristics. 
EX: two characters fighting are something worse then battles.
Character vs society: a conflict revolving around two characteristics.
EX: two characters fighting over something war and battles. 
Internal conflict: occurs when the protagonist struggles within himself or herself
EX: ralph vs ralph: he starts to change and doubt himself saying what has he become, he also thinks people should have a leader with a brain.
External conflict: is a literary device in which a character struggles with an outside force or problem. 
EX:ralph vs jack: ralph represents order i society jack grew tired of ralph being in charge. it transform him into a savage like creature and he went on a rampage destroying the civilization the boys worked so hard to make.
EX: boys vs piggy: piggy represents the weak who are often victimized. the boys tortured him because he was fat and needed such thick glasses. a lack of understanding , the boys never meet someone with problems like him.
EX: boys vs beastie: the beastie symbolizes the devil. as the boys grew further and further away from civilization there desire to kill the beastie grew. they went from being scared at first to wanting to kill and hang is head on a pole.